Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yeast Infection

Welcome to my Yeast Infection blog. Here I will tell you what other sites lack to mention explaining firstly, what is a yeast infection in elementary terms, the causes of a yeast infection, my personal experiences, the symptoms of a yeast infection as well as guide to steer towards to getting rid of the yeast infection(Thus what you as individual are doing wrong, and how to ‘right’ the wrong). My guarantee to you!

Yeast Infection, what is it?

Let me ask you this first. Do you know how alcohol is formed? Or rather, are you acquainted with the terms ‘fermentation process’? If not, then I`ll explain. If you know this, you can just skip to other sections lower down.

Alright, normally grapefruit are crushed etc, then it is left for a x period of time to mature. This maturing process is what is known as the fermentation stage. Can you see the connection here between the two. We know a yeast got to be what it is through fermentation.

So what forms during this fermentation stage, or rather what is the products that is formed? Firstly carbon dioxide, and ethanol. Note these are the two I specifically want to refer to. So how does this relate to the subject?

Let me put it this way. I`m sure you might know by now from general knowledge, or from school or university years, that each one of us has bacteria. These bacteria assist the stomach in digesting foods. They also serve as a barrier for protecting us from lethal pathogens, and thus assists and strengthens the immune system in turn. I will be referring to the immune system a lot in this paper. Right, so there are bacteria outlining our guts etc. Let me distinct between these bacteria. You get good and bad bacteria. The bad ones is we will call Candida Albicans, and will focus on that, and this is the yeast infection I`m referrring to. Candida, we all have it. The difference is just that some people have more than others, and unfortunately so too. Why, because our immune system is suppose to keep it in check, to stop it from over populating.

So we all have different concentrations of Candida, some people higher, others lower.

So the fermentation process is obviously still bothering you, right? So how does it relate to this so called Candida you might ask? The answer lies in our lifestyle which includes food, diet, we all eat. Face it, not all of us have healthy eating habits. What is even worse is that stress governs our lives, and it is proven

That stress puts the immune system under pressure, causing it to under-perform. So, by fermentation and food I`m steering towards the presence of too much sugar in our diets.

This can be anything from sweets to drinks, beverages, etc. Anything you can think of that comes from a sugar cane. Its also just not normal sugar containing products, but dairy(milk) too, thus anything containing lactose too. a Other source of sugar, at least not directly, is carbohydrates. So you dont understand how the last two qualifies as sugar, right? How does it work then. I`ll keep it simple and won`t dig into too much chemistry. Well as Candida serves as a bad bacteria, and say it is over populated(growth) in your stomach, as soon as foods containing sugar/lactose based/carbohydrates enters your stomach, the Candida steps in, and acts as a catalyst. This catalyst I refer to is to boost the biochemical process, converting this sugar-containing foods to carbon dioxide, ethanol and some other by-products. These by-products may well be toxins. So these sugars are transformed then to carbon dioxide and ethanol, among others. So it is basically the same process that occurs during the fermentation of grapes. So in reality your body now produces alchohol. Why? Fermentation, just as with wine making process. So why then carbohydrates and lactose too, you might ask!? Well mainly because carbohydrates are transformed to sugars as well, same with lactose. There structures, chemical, you will note that is a form of sugar. So after these products have formed, alcohol and carbon dioxide, well you mainly get feelings of bloatedness during eating or after. Why? Gasses are building up from the forming of CO2(Carbon Dioxide). The alcohol gets absorbed in your system, and well you can imagine how you must feel afterwards. Candida cause the stomach lining to become leaky, so other toxins(by-products) formed, gets absorbed into your bloodstream. Maybe I can add now that the correct term for Candida, over growth of it, would be to refer to Candidiasis. I will mention reactions occuring next.

The doctors...

It is unfortunately a fact that modern medicine do not make provision for the term “Candida”. I would get skin rash after skin rash after drinking a glass or 2 of beer and then the doctor would just suggest that I must stay away from alcohol and certain diary products. They arrogantly refuse to accept the fact that Candida plays a role in our everyday life, and left unchecked, it can cause a variety of health problems. More popularly..skin rashes like mine. What do the doctors offer for this…Anti-biotics. What they don`t realize, or just don`t care about, is that we have the good and bad bacteria. The anti-biotics destroys the good and leaves it with even more bad. So what is left you may ask? A repeated attack/infection. The body needs the good bacteria to be able to continue/maintain a good immune system. Unfortunately the doctors still wont give in!

Symptoms and reactions

I take you as the reader now has a thorough understanding, or at least a fundamental one, of what Candida is. Well the above section left us with how the sugars are transformed/converted, and how it enters our system from there on, through a leaky gut.

So what kind of reactions/symptoms will you experience if you have a inappropiate diet and compromised immune system? Remember I said that Candida over populates due to under perfomance of immune system.

Well as the toxins enter your blood, there is lots of reactions that could occur.

The doctors...

It is unfortunately a fact that modern medicine do not make provision for the term “Candida”. I would get skin rash after skin rash after drinking a glass or 2 of beer and then the doctor would just suggest that I must stay away from alcohol and certain diary products. They arrogantly refuse to accept the fact that Candida plays a role in our everyday life, and left unchecked, it can cause a variety of health problems. More popularly..skin rashes like mine. What do the doctors offer for this…Anti-biotics. What they don`t realize, or just don`t care about, is that we have the good and bad bacteria. The anti-biotics destroys the good and leaves it with even more bad. So what is left you may ask? A repeated attack/infection. The body needs the good bacteria to be able to continue/maintain a good immune system. Unfortunately the doctors still wont give in!

Symptoms and reactions

I take you as the reader now has a thorough understanding, or at least a fundamental one, of what Candida is. Well the above section left us with how the sugars are transformed/converted, and how it enters our system from there on, through a leaky gut.

So what kind of reactions/symptoms will you experience if you have a inappropiate diet and compromised immune system? Remember I said that Candida over populates due to under perfomance of immune system.

Well as the toxins enter your blood, there is lots of reactions that could occur.

I`ll outline them :

  • This could include allergies, various skin problems like rashes or even excema.
  • People that develop excema also have chances of staph skin infections, as well as herpes.
  • Fatigue- remember the alcohol formation?
  • Bloatedness - CO2 builds up during or after eating.
  • Pains in lower abdomen
  • Constipation/Diarrhoea-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Muscle weakness
  • Joint(arthritis) and or muscle pains
  • Unreal feelings-even memory loss
  • Athlete`s foot and even fungal infections
  • Urinary tract infection or vaginal discharge(female genital tract)
  • Depression
  • You are craving sweet sources of food, and even alcohol. Bread too, as it contains gluten.
  • Low immune system, frequent infections
  • One infection specifically, especially under the youth, is the infection of the ear. This occurs as the Candida Albicans(yeast) lives and breeds in the back of the mouth and beginning of tubes leading to the ears.
  • Symptoms appear worse on damp days

Another interesting fact while observing the above symptoms etc is that researchers found that Candida Albicans actually feeds diseases such as TB(Tuberculosis). When they treated the Candida, killed off, the patient healed much faster, than with just treating with normal antibiotics the whole time.

Lets do a self-test

Wondering if you have Candida Albicans? The easiest way, with the above symptoms in mind, is to fill a glass with drinking water and spitting in it. As the spit settles to the bottom, and it displays a spider web drifting to the bottom, you may say with confidence that you have a yeast infection(Candida Albicans) So, you have it then? Not to worry, solutions and advice will follow.


I will split this chapter into two respectively, namely theory to rid yourself and to lastly put action into your words.

The theory

Some people always say:"Prevention is better than cure". Well, its true, but luckily with candida its not the case. Well, in the sense that you can do something about the problem. Don`t get me wrong, Candida is a serious condition as I believe that it causes far more lethal diseases or even feed others. So my theory is, take care of the Candida, and you take care of your condition/illness.

Like I mentioned earlier is that the immune system is THE most important element in our everyday lives. If this gets compromised, then Candida is having a great time indeed.

So, then again...

What causes the immune system to under-perform:
  • Lack of sleep
  • Dietary problems causing mineral/vitamin deficiencie. You might need to focus your diet towards MORE Water(2 litres a day), fresh fruit & veggies
  • Lack of excercise

Lets put these words now into practical advice/actions :

Gettting back to the last two elements of the above, 2 & 3. One obviously speaks for itself.

Dietary problems

Eating foods, like fast foods, is what I`m referring to hear. Please, if you really like it so much, eat it in moderation. This is one of your enemies. It contains free radicals among others, so please stay away. Do not trick yourself in saying : "I`m so healthy, there is nothing wrong with me. I like the fast food I`m eating, it gives me the nutrients etc that I need." Thats a load of nonsense, it is poison for your body. So stick to moderate intake. It might satisfy your hunger, but definitely not what your body really wants.

If we refer to healthy diets, stick to fresh fruit, vegetables etc. Drink less artificial drinks, and more pure fruit juices. Also, like mentioned earlier...watch out for high sugar intake, carbohydates etc. Follow this diet rather, than anything else: Low sugar, low carb and high protein. Very much like a body builder`s eating plan. Consume fruit/veggies with a rather deep green/orange or yellow(like spinach and carrots) Although, I heard that people say to watch out for the orange, carrots. That orange colour, pigment, is because of Beta Carotene. Some experts say that even this Beta Carotene isn’t good for a yeast infection sufferer, but I believe this to be false. I would like to get some feedback on this point, maybe someone out there with experience(s) here!? Would appreciate any input here. Watch out again for the potatoes, contains starch which gets transformed into sugars. Also try eating a low-gi bread than any other preferably.

Here is a list of some foods to avoid

  • Sugars/natural sweeteners and even honey
  • alcohol(remember fermentation!?)
  • vinegar
  • yeast, obviously
  • dried fruit
  • bread(containing yeast)
  • mushrooms
  • most diary products, except those with 'live cultures' in. Acidophilus-containing yoghurt is a good buy.

Foods to consume

  • Fresh veggies and salads
  • Oats, rice millet and quinoa
  • eggs
  • freshly cracked nuts
  • fish and organic meat
  • soya milk
  • oat and rice cakes
  • as a snack, plain potatoe crisps
Its also a necessity that you take some supplements. Please note that this webpage do contain links that offer alternative ways, and the best is to try all or combine to achieve optimal results. At least, that is what I tried, and it worked!


It’s a good idea to get a good multi-vitamin with lots with a good spectrum of minerals.

Vitamin C has proofed itself as a vitamin to be highly effective against Candida. Why? Well Vit C does strengthen the immune system.

A good extra supplement will be to use Probiotics(this is Good Bacteria,and contains the most important Lactobacillus Acidophillus). This is Very important for a healthy bowel and will strengthen/support the immune system even further.

Drink LOTS of water, the recommended 2 litres a day.

Don’t forget the garlic in the food, it doesn’t just taste great but is also natures greatest antibiotic, well according to me.

Well, fair enough. But is this what you should be doing, and ONLY be doing? The answer is NO! Why? Because the above is for aftercare, ie maintenance. Take a car engine for instance. When you suspect the engine might be on its way out it might be too late to do regular oil checks, spark plugs etc. So, in effect the engine will cease later on, what is the maintenance helping you at the end? It might extend the lifetime a bit, but if you realised soon enough that a overhaul might be better, then you are set. No worries then. Thats the point Im trying to make here, daily dosages of these multi-vitamins wont help much along with lots of sleep, water, fresh fruit etc. We drink it to HOPE that we dont get sick, that we HOPE it will shield us against dreadful situations like bacterial infections, viral or whatever the case. It happens seldom, that multi-vitamins is enough. The only thing would be is to ID your problem like in the car example. So, dont be stupid and treat the symptom as the doctor wants to, get down to the actual source, being Candida. Rid yourself of that, and HEY, then I have no problem with a day-to-day maintenance drug(s) . Ok its better than nothing. It has been proven that what we eat makes us sick, if not short term, then long term.

So, how to tackle Candida then you might ask... Simple. As these maintenance dosages wont even make a dent on Candida, there are POWERFUL express solutions available. Some of them are on this page, embedded Google links from time to time. Then there is also the above link, right at the top, who promises a 12hr treatment. This is NOT IMPOSSIBLE. It worked within days for me. Look, Candida treatments might in some cases not work as fast as Anti-Biotics, and might seem expensive at first, but what it promises is that when you do a proper anti-candida treatment, your body will be free forever from whatever your condition was, whether being a skin infections, vaginal discharges etc, the treatments on this site and out there, it works! With Anti-Biotics, it just comes back and back. You save loads over the long term, buying a good anti-candida treatment package once off, whereas with anti-biotics, i`ve spent countless amount of money. It was just not fair! So, do yourself the favour, experience what I experienced and still do, and feel like a kid again! Its amazing!

Well, so to summarize. If you feel you experience any of the symptoms, especially when doctors have no idea and just keep prescribing anti-biotics, it might sometimes be better to think of it this way… The truth is out there! Umm, correction, it is right here. So, go right ahead. Do the selftest of above, if positive, well then it proofs why you are having that unexplained symptoms. PLUS, most people, including me, have experienced lots and lots of extra energy, I actually felt reborn. Try it now, its amazing!

Lastly, I would like to get some feedback from people on my article. Whether you tried some of the advice, or even if you would like to add something I missed, you are more than welcome. Looking forward to any reaction!

Yeast Infection

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